The Advantages of Relocating to a Serviced Office
Leasing an office space is a huge commitment financially and with most lease agreements you are bound to the space for a fixed term ranging from 3 – 5 years. In addition to the expense of the rental, you will also need to purchase the necessary communications systems and infrastructure needed to support your business, “fit- out” and decorate the interior and furnish it to establish your brand in your new space.
Relocating to a serviced office offers a solution to this in providing a space that is ready to go, whilst also offering much shorter rental agreements. Often there is also the ability to add in more space, quickly when you can expand your business. These spaces will also have meeting spaces and meeting rooms that can be booked as and when required rather than having to commit some of your own space to this.
We are finding that more of our clients are taking advantage of this flexible way of procuring their office space requirements, and with more and more serviced offices being created there are increasing locations, types and options available to choose from.
Serviced offices don’t just offer businesses a temporary office space solution or small businesses a desk while they are starting up. They also offer permanent solutions to businesses of all sizes because of the flexibility they allow and the services that they provide, taking the hassle and administration out of office space. Increasingly, serviced office space is able to offer a whole range of office solutions whether that is an out of town open plan space or a state of the art, contemporary office right in the centre of London.
When we carry out moves to serviced offices, we have found that the downtime is minimised as there is considerably less to move. Often, we are asked to move our client’s IT equipment, filing and staff desk or locker contents only. Mostly our clients will be moving into a fully furnished space, including meeting rooms and breakout areas.
What this does mean for those that are moving from a traditional office space is that they will have a quantity of legacy furniture that will need to be removed from the vacated space, once the move to the new space is completed. It is important that this is considered fully and re- use is a priority, whether this be to other offices, re-sale and donations. This will comply to the Waste Hierarchy and in doing so will minimise landfill, whilst potentially raising proceeds from the re- sale element.
At Renovo we are used to dealing with these types of office relocations, and can assist with our expertise and knowledge from working on similar projects. In addition to the relocation we also have a very strong proposition in ensuring that your legacy furniture can be dealt with in line with the Waste Hierarchy and ensuring we get maximum value for the re- sale of your redundant furniture and equipment.
Renovo can also help with providing a managed storage solution if the move is a temporary one whilst you find or fit out your final location, and need to retain any furniture and equipment.
If you need any help with your office relocation please contact Danny Rutter on 07553 265 461 or email us info@renovo-services.com